Category: others

Resolving the “Execution failed for task ‘: app: processDebugGoogleServices'”

I was developing a small project ( app for Android) in Cordova ( ), and this project one of the requirements was to send notifications push ( push notifications ) to the application through the Service Cloud Messaging  Google Firebase ( ).

The procedure for implementing this task is relatively simple. Just access the Google Firebase console, create a new project, enter the information (name, package, etc …), configure it for Android and finally download the file google-services.json

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BitBucket – Free Git Repository

The git is great “face” in fashion now days when it comes to version control. This tool, created by Linus Torvalds (creator of Linux too), is based on the philosophy of distributed system, focused on speed. With this, each working directory of git , becomes a repository with complete history of the codes and their revisions (perhaps this is its great advantage over the decaying SVN).

To host git versioned projects , the most famous and used is GitHub ( ). Several open source projects are available on GitHub and anyone can clone and use them. The registration on GitHub is free, but in the free account , your personal projects are public, that is, anyone can follow and use their codes. If you’re looking to create private repositories, you’ll have to shell out a few dollars a month.

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Codeanywhere: your code editor in the cloud

Have you ever thought about having a code editor in the clouds (online) that you can access from home, from work, from the cafeteria using your pc, notebook, tablet or cell phone? Well then I come to introduce you to codeanywhere (

Codeanywhere is a platform that allows you to access and edit the files on your website or your customer’s website in an instant and uncomplicated way.

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Create code templates in NetBeans

You self-respecting programmer certainly uses some IDE to develop your applications and projects. And don’t give me DreamWeaver, because this tool is far from what we call organization, efficiency and quality when programming.

For those who prefer IDEs to simpler publishers, today’s tip is to speed up your development process. We will be focused on NetBeans , but I believe that other tools also provide this facility.

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