Tag: framework

[CodeIgniter 4 video lesson] – Views (Part 1) – Basic Resources

Hey guys, how are you?

I just published on my Youtube channel the fourth video of the series on CodeIgniter 4. In this video, I show what the Views are (The letter “V” of the MVC architecture), what is their purpose and how to create the Views inside the framework.

In the class, it is shown how to load a View and also how we can do to dynamically send data from the Controller to the View, in order to use them in the application’s template (interface).

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[CodeIgniter 4 video lesson] – Controllers (Part 2) – ROUTES

Hey guys. All right???

The third video on the CodeIgniter 4 framework is already on the air . In this lesson, I show you how to operate the routes in CI4 and how you can change the basic structure of the URLs in the application.

In the video I create a test controller called ” Products ” with the standard action ” index ” and with the action ” details “. Then, in the app/config/Routes.php file I add 2 routes, one that shows the simple redirection of “shopping” to the “products” controller and another that shows how to insert dynamic parameters and make the product details URL more ” lean ”.

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