How to define EventListener for dynamic elements created in javascript

JavaScript makes it possible to execute functions when a certain event occurs within the DOM of our HTML. This event can be a “click” on a certain element (usually a button), the selection of an “option” within a combo, or even the loading (load) of the page.

In addition, another interesting and widely used feature in JavaScript is the possibility of creating elements (inputs, divs, links or any other type of HTML component) dynamically (also through events).

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Resolving the “Execution failed for task ‘: app: processDebugGoogleServices'”

I was developing a small project ( app for Android) in Cordova ( ), and this project one of the requirements was to send notifications push ( push notifications ) to the application through the Service Cloud Messaging  Google Firebase ( ).

The procedure for implementing this task is relatively simple. Just access the Google Firebase console, create a new project, enter the information (name, package, etc …), configure it for Android and finally download the file google-services.json

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Respect / Relational – the simplest ORM framework for php

Basically all the main programming languages currently have ORM frameworks (Object Relational Mapping), which help a lot the development of applications (under the object orientation paradigm – OOP) that persist in relational databases (like MySQL, Postgre, SQL Server, among others).

The function of an ORM framework is to abstract objects from a database (tables, columns, relationships, and so forth), map them, and make them readable within a project being developed in OOP.

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Composer: how to autoload php classes outside the “vendor”

The Composer ( is a dependency manager (packages) widely used in language PHP and provides many facilities, since it is responsible for checking, download to engage our project all the “libs” of third parties that we will need.

These “libs”, when downloaded by Composer, are grouped within a directory called “vendor”. In addition, a file called “autoload.php” is also created in this folder, responsible for “loading” all the classes we need to use. Basically, all I have to do is import “autoload.php” into a file of my project and I will have access to all classes of “libs” downloaded by Composer.

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