Tag: php

Respect / Relational – the simplest ORM framework for php

Basically all the main programming languages currently have ORM frameworks (Object Relational Mapping), which help a lot the development of applications (under the object orientation paradigm – OOP) that persist in relational databases (like MySQL, Postgre, SQL Server, among others).

The function of an ORM framework is to abstract objects from a database (tables, columns, relationships, and so forth), map them, and make them readable within a project being developed in OOP.

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[CodeIgniter 4 video lesson] – Models – RELATED CRUD (Insert) – part 2

Hey guys !!! To finalize the new product registration form (“product” table related to “category” table) started in the last video, in this I deal with the submission of the form inside the “controller” and call the “insert” method of the “ProductModel”.

To streamline the process, instead of taking the submitted data and “setting” them in the “model” variable, I pass the submitted data directly via “POST” as a parameter of the “insert” method (through the “method” “this->request->getPost() “).

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[CodeIgniter 4 video lesson] – Models – CRUD with relationship (Insert) – part 1

Hey guys!!!

Continuing with the series on the CodeIgniter 4 framework, in today’s video I start the construction of the “Products” CRUD (which is a table that receives a list of the “Categories” table, using the foreign key “category_id”).

In this first part, I create the “ProductModel” and the controller “Products”. In addition, I also create the view “products_form” and in it I assemble the form for product registration.

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[CodeIgniter 4 video lesson] – Models – Creating a CRUD (Delete)

Hello people!!!

Continuing with the series on CodeIgniter 4, in this video I show how to delete a record in the database using the “delete” method of the Model.

In building the “action” to delete, I make a brief introduction to the “session” library and how to use, from it, the methods “setFlashData” and “getFlashData”.

The video is available at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFOTRqfy9bU

I hope you enjoy the video.
