Tag: php

Tutorial PHP Smarty Template Engine 4

In this post I will cover the use of the Smarty Template Engine (version 4.0.0) (https://www.smarty.net/) in an introductory way.

Smarty is a engine to manage templates in projects developed in PHP language. Its objective is to enable the separation of the application logic part (php language) and the presentation part (html / css). Thus, we will have a application logic (with the implementation of business rules, data access, distributed form / cookies) and another presentation layer (to present the application layout).

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How to insert a Google reCAPTCHA on your website

One of the big problems we face on our websites is the use of forms by “bots” in order to spread “spams” and that ends up causing a super use of our server resources, such as CPU and memory.

Basically, this procedure is the result of algorithms that identify the forms of our sites (contact for example) and start submitting information in them too much and automatically. With this, the production of “spam” ends up becoming a problem for our email services or even for our application’s database

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Two-step verification with php and Google Authenticator

A security feature in system authentication that has become quite popular recently is 2-step verification. The main banking and brokerage applications use their own apps to generate tokens that are dynamic (they are constantly updated in low cycles of time), and used as a 2nd factor for system access (the 1st factor is the traditional username/mail and password ).

However, if you do not want to implement your own token generator, you can use Google Authenticator, an application with the mentioned features (available for Android and IOS) and that can be easily integrated into your application or web system. In this post, I’m going to show you how to integrate your php application with Google Authenticator.

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Guzzle: a HTTP client to php

At a time when interoperability between systems has become increasingly important and the creation/use of APIs is increasingly ascending, it is always important to think about the consumption of third party services within our projects.

In php, although it is relatively simple to make requests “http” with the native resources of the language itself, it is recommended that a library be used for this purpose, since this way we have more security and resources that facilitate and make this process more agile procedure.

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